"I'm not ready" and other myths that are holding you back

If you were part of the traditional school system, you learned to wait for permission.

Before asking a question.

Before sharing an insight.

Before stepping out to the bathroom.

Patience and permission are among our most important life skills for sure. But when it comes to following our purpose, we can’t wait for permission. We have to begin.

Over and over (and over again) I hear these two phrases “I’m not ready” and “I have to be an expert.”

And that begs the question: “according to WHOM?”

You show me a baby who nailed their first step.

You show me a singer who nailed their first Mariah impression.

You show me an entrepreneur who made a million dollars on their first day.

NO ONE starts out an expert. No one.

This is where all that waiting for the hall pass comes in handy. We know how to be patient! We know how to wait our turn.

But while we’re waiting, let’s not twiddle our thumbs.

Let’s use our time!

We can learn.

We can experiment.

We can fail.

We can play.

We can grow.

We can prepare.

We can rest.

If we aren’t ready for the big stage, practice on a small one.

If you aren’t an expert, put in the time.

If your gas tank is empty, stop at the gas station.

Start. Don’t let perfection keep you from trying. Don’t let fear of rejection keep you from reaching.

If you feel like you were born for it, it’s because you were. Don’t let a myth hold you back.

We need you.

Rachel Dorsey