The Wisdom of Your Inner Voice

We all encounter moments in our lives when we know we have to make a move.  We don’t always have clear directions or an articulated goal in mind, but we know that our current state no longer serves us.

While we may not hear a booming voice from the heavens commanding us to make our move, if we sit still and listen carefully, we can often hear a tiny voice inside of us urging us to make some change. Sometimes it’s not a voice - sometimes it’s a feeling. I say - same/same.

Human beings are creatures of habit, we have a routine for almost everything.  We also have free will which gives us the wonderful opportunity to leave behind a routine or a habit with the knowledge and comfort that we’re in good hands, and that whether we know it or not, our next move will reveal itself in due time.

We have been trained from childhood to look outside of ourselves for answers.  Billboards, magazines, commercials and now the constant barrage of stimulation from Twitter and Facebook.

I think it’s time that we re-train ourselves to look inside.  To listen closely and to trust the wisdom of our own minds and our own bodies.

I challenge you to tune out the noise and instead, tune into your internal wisdom by listening to your inner voice.

How has your inner voice helped you out?  Share below!