Welcome to The Circle!

I’m so glad you’re here!

I know it can be so scary to join new groups. “Will I know anyone?” “Will I fit in?” “Is this the right place for me?” “How will I make the time” - I’m so glad you pushed through those fears and decided to come anyway.

This group is already so incredible! We have folks from many different business types, at so many different stages and in so many industries.

As you prepare for our first session, here’s what you need:

  1. A notebook

  2. A pen

  3. Your computer

    That’s it!

Before your first session, I invite you to answer these questions in your notebook and/or in the comments below.

  1. What am I hoping to get out of The Circle?

  2. What am I planning to contribute to the group?

  3. When I think about my business, what am I most scared of?

  4. When I think about my business, what am I most proud of?

  5. What /who will I call in to give myself this 90 minutes each month to focus on myself, my needs, my growth?

  6. What else is coming up for me right now?

See you soon!



Rachel Dorsey1 Comment