Failure Leads to Success | Just Start

I just got off the phone with a friend from my childhood.

She’s feeling called to try something new that requires really putting herself “out there” and she’s scared.

YEAH - because rejection is SCARY! Because failure is SCARY!

Every single time I post something here, I feel scared. What are people going to think of me? Who am I to (insert a thing I want to do here.)
But then I breathe and do it anyway.

Failure leads to success.
You learn. You grow. You build strength, you build confidence. You realize that failure really isn’t as bad as you thought it would be, and then you try again.

And what is success anyway?!? I’ll tell you what it isn’t: > it isn’t one size fits all
> it isn’t finite (there’s enough to go around)
> it isn’t always monetary
> it isn’t always huge
> it isn’t always noticeable
> it isn’t always long-lasting

Sometimes the sweetest success is as simple as showing up and giving that thing burning in your heart a try.

It’s OK to have a dream. It’s OK to be scared of it. But take those baby steps anyway. You’ll never know if you don’t try.