On Leaving My Family

Every time, right before I leave my family, I get this terrible feeling in my gut. I get twisted up and nervous to leave the safe cocoon of my home-office and step into the unknown.

But every time I leave, I find another piece of myself.

We had our first kid way sooner than we anticipated. He was planned, but we really thought it would take a lot more time to make him.

Over the last six years, I’ve been in mom-mode to the max. It took every ounce of strength I had to raise kids and build a business. There was very little time for any more than that.

But now that my kids are older, and now that my business has several successful years under its belt, I’m trying to make more time to invest in myself - in my own growth and learning and in sharing what I know to pay it forward and elevate my community of women.

I’m getting out of my own way.
I’m getting scared but doing it anyway.
And I’m sharing my experience and my story because when we’re vulnerable and open, we encourage others to be vulnerable and open, and those cracks are where the light gets in.